Time, Love, Earth: Voices & Visions across the Asia-Pacific

Join us for a night of performance, poetry and story from writers and scholars from the Asia Pacific region. A powerful ensemble of voices exploring what earth, time and love means to them.    

Hear from Ali Cobby Eckermann, Alvin Pang, David Carlin, Dicky Senda, Eugenia Flynn, Francesca Rendle-Short, Hsu-Ming Teo, Lily Rose Topé, Priya Surukkai Chabria, Marjorie Evasco, Melody Ellis, Michelle Aung Thin, Michelle Lee and Roanna Gonsalves at this special event that promises to be provocative, joyful and moving. 

Presented by RMIT Culture and the non/fictionLab. Book for this free event here.

This event was produced as part of the Australian Research Council Discovery Project, Connecting Asia-Pacific Literary Cultures: Grounds for Ethical Encounter and Exchange, with funding from the Australian Government.